September 26, 2020 Montgomery, Alabama : The “Show me the MONEY” Series has been a proving ground for late model racers and a place for the veterans also. The FALL BRAWL 100 tilted its hand toward the younger drivers as a strong field of Pro Late models set out to bring home the hardware and …
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Sep 08
Racer Dennie Rewis makes his last laps
September 8, 2020 Montgomery, Alabama : The Racing world lost a great competitor this weekend. Long time competitor and Montgomery regular Dennie Rewis #26 passed away September, 4 2020. Dennie’s Wife Lois Rewis has been a long time employee of the track. Dennie had a passion for racing as much as anyone in racing. he …
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Aug 18
Photo Gallery From the “Hunt for the Bear” 8-15-20
Kissing the BEAR Joe Hudson #88 Charles Davis #6 Max Nelson #9 Eddie Dodd #81 Da BEAR !!!!! J>C.Cleckler #5 Pole award Joe Hudson #88 Pole award With #1 Fan Charles Ellis #28 Pole Dodd Victory Lane Rusty Alvers on #7 Max Nelson #9 Joe Hudson #88 Daniel Jacks #1 (Not Wayne Shell) J.C. Cleckler …
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Aug 17
Bear Hunting at MMS
PRESS RELEASE ***** August 17, 2020: Montgomery, Alabama: Bear season was in full swing this past Saturday night at Montgomery Motor Speedway. The Annual “Hunt for the BEAR” for local divisions. This race gives the local stock car divisions a chance to run for a coveted Keith Hudgens carved bear. At one time track officials …
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