Tech Alert: Demo Derby Night of Destruction May 31, 2014

Pit Pass: $30/person
Derby Entry Fee: NO ENTRY FEE

Purse Structure:
1st $800.00
2nd $300.00
3rd $100.00

Derby will be conducted on pit road at Montgomery Motor Speedway. A section of pit road, 100-200 ft. in length (determined by car count), will be blocked off with concrete barriers at each end, and the gap in the wall blocked off as well. Soapy water will be put down in Derby area to provide a slick surface.

Front wheel drive cars only 1980’s and newer No Vans, SUVS,

1. All cars must be stripped of all glass, body molding, and all exterior lighting. The interior and trunk area must be cleaned of anything that could injure the driver during the derby. All air bag safety systems must be removed. You may insert up to three bars in the windshield opening to prevent hood collapsing on the driver.

2. 5 gallons of fuel maximum. Fuel tank not allowed in trunk area must be above the rear axle or mounted in back seat area. Must be covered to protect driver.

3. Battery may be relocated to passenger floor board, but must me covered and securely mounted.

4. The radiator must remain in stock location and a 12″ x 15″ hole must be cut in center of the hood.

5. All doors must be chained, welded, or wired closed to prevent from opening during the derby. Metal straps can be welded to the door seams with a 3 in wide x 1/8 in thick max.

6. Trunks must remain open for inspection and Chained after. Trunks must remain empty.

7. No adding of metal to any frame, body or suspensions allowed. No reinforcement of front end, rear end, radiator support, fenders or anywhere on the car. Any rust patching on body panels are subject to tech officials approval. Only exception will be the driver side front door. Reinforcement bars or plates added to the drivers side door may not exceed eight inches (8″) past the vertical seams of the door.

8. No doubling of body panels allowed, no added metal allowed. Rusted out holes in your floor sheet metal may be patched where components will be mounted or for drivers safety, sheet metal only. No other sheet metal patching is allowed unless it is a safety issue. You may not patch clean and solid floors.

9. Transmission must remain stock.

10. All drivers will use DOT approved helmet and use seat belts at all times. Shoes, pants and long sleeve shirts are required. FIRE SUIT STRONGLY RECOMMENDED!

11. All cars must have working brakes.

12. Only one person per car allowed at the tech booth area when cars are being teched. This rule will be strictly enforced.

13. Driver must were helmet, seat belt and eye protection at all times.

14. Drivers must remain in the vehicle with helmet, seat belt and eye protection on until notified by an official that it is safe to exit the vehicle.

15. All vehicles must have a fire extinguisher mounted within the drivers reach, inside the car.

16. Driver’s door hits are illegal. If the hit is deemed by the official to be careless or intentional, you will be disqualified.

17. No hot rodding in the pits. Keep it at an idle.

18. Any open door will be cause for disqualification. Fire will be cause for disqualification.

19. You must make an aggressive hit every 60 seconds. You will not be given any warnings: you will just be timed out.

20. All glass must be removed.

21. Engines must remain stock for car.

22. Aluminum or steel wheels permitted. No solid tires.

23. You may not add cooling capacity. No supplemental cooling devices allowed.

24. Suspension must be original factory suspension for that car.

25. Just because it is not listed in these rules doesn’t make it legal. If you are not sure about a rule, contact us before you do it.

26. All cars must pass inspection before being allowed to derby.

27. Officials and Tech inspectors have final decision on all rules!!!!!!!!!

28. Building your cars to these rules does not make demolition derby’s safe. These rules are to help make every car have a fair chance to win. These rules are not for drivers safety. You enter these demolition derby’s at your own risk with the understanding that you could have injury, harm, or death and will acknowledge this on your release of liability form.


*If you have questions about rules and other info please call the MMS office at (334) 262-6101 for any clarification.

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