Living the Dream…Top20 Questions with MMS Racer Chris Landers


Name: Chris Landers

Year / Make / Model Car: Ford Pinto
Number: 9
Class: Mini Modifieds
Years Racing: I started racing at Montgomery Motor Speedway in 2000, but started my racing career in Go-Karts in 1993. Before all of that, I began racing RC cars about the age of 13.
Job: Body Shop Manager at Jack Ingram Motors
1. How did you get into racing?
CL: My uncle got me into racing RC cars and my love for the sport grew from there.
2. What would you be doing if you were not driving a race car?
CL: I would be leading a very boring life.
3. People who have inspired you the most while you have raced?
CL: When we started racing at Montgomery Motor Speedway in 2000, Charles Davis took me under his wing and showed me the ropes of racing. I have been hooked ever since.
4. What is the biggest obstacle you are facing in your quest to succeed in racing?
CL: Racing is a very financially taxing sport. Lack of money keeps me from having everything I want for and in my race car. You can never have it all, so sacrifices come into play. So, the biggest obstacle would be money.
5. What driver are you a fan of?
CL: Hands down, Charles Davis is the best driver of any race car that I have ever seen. We are happy that he is coming back to Montgomery Motor Speedway this season.
6. Out of all the race cars you have driven, which one was your favorite and why?
CL: We raced Cup Lites for one season. These cars required everyone to have the same equipment so everyone had a fair advantage to win. It made you really drive the car to it’s fullest potential to pull into victory lane.
7. Pick one : CD player, I pod, 8-Track or Record player, and who do you listen to?
CL: Out of those options, it would have to be a CD-player. I don’t own an I-pod. I listen to mostly country music mixed with a little Rock. One band I am a fan of is The Lacs.
8. What have you been doing during the off season?
CL: We just built a new shop in our backyard so that we could have our cars at our house. It gives us easier access to work on the cars and get them ready for racing season.
9. Is there any other type of race car that you’d like to drive that you haven’t yet?
CL: I have always wanted to drive a Late Model. I am just waiting on the opportunity to get into one. If anyone is needing a Late Model driver, contact me. This has always been a dream of mine.
10. Your best and worst moment in racing?
CL: My best moment in racing was in 2004 racing a Super Stock at Montgomery Motor Speedway. We finished third and it was the first time I was able to go onto the front stretch to receive my trophy. I was probably the first person to finish in third place and do as many burnouts and doughnuts as I did. My worst moment in racing was in 2014. We were racing our 3rd race after purchasing a brand new engine. It blew up and caught on fire. Being in a car that is on fire is no fun at all. We had spent our last dime on that motor and I was sure that my racing career was over. Tommy Flemming of Capital Recycling asked what it would take to get us back out on the track and he did everything he could to do it. He purchased another new engine and even helped put it in.
11. Any local legends that you admired while coming up in Short Track Racing?
CL: I have always admired all of the Alabama Gang. I just wish that I could have personally watched them at Montgomery Motor Speedway. I can only imagine how good the racing was back then.
12. What motivates you to be the best in your racing division?
CL: What motivates me to be the best is winning for my family and fans. There is no better feeling than winning, getting the trophy, seeing how happy my family is, and having fans you don’t even know come up to you during the week after congratulating you and telling you how great you did and how much they enjoy watching you.
13. Favorite smell at the track : race gas or burning rubber?
CL: Race gas, hands down.
14. What’s the funniest thing you have ever seen on the race track?
CL: The funniest thing was during an employee race. John Midkiff, the flagman, was racing my car. About 2 laps in, the car quit going. It was at that point we realized we didn’t put any gas in the car for him. It wasn’t funny at the time to John, but it sure was to everyone else. (We now buy lots of gas; don’t worry.)
15. What local driver do you have the most respect for and why?
CL: I would have to say going off of last year’s race season, it would be Brad Edwards. Not just for his racing, but he has come a long way in a short period of time. He has now moved up a class, he is sponsoring the class he is in now, and is helping fund the local track we use, Montgomery Motor Speedway, so that veteran racers and newcomers all have a place to race.
16. Do you have another sport you enjoy to watch or participate in?
CL: I watch college football but nothing compares to racing and working on a race car.
17. What’s more important … racing for points or racing for the win?
CL: Racing for the win is more important. If you are winning races then you are winning championships.
18. Your favorite track and why?
CL: Montgomery Motor Speedway is my favorite. It is my home-town track and nothing compares to racing in what is considered my back yard.
19. Which describes you best : calculating driver or kamikaze driver?
CL: I would consider myself a calculating driver. I have never been a driver that would wreck someone to win a race. I will let them know I am there but I have never taken someone out. I know how hard it is to get to the track so I wouldn’t jeopardize my work or other’s work that they have done.
20. Last Lap, you’re in a side by side dash for the win… who would you want to beat and why?
CL: It would have to be Joel Collier. He is the top competitor in our class. We have done everything to out run him and win, but no matter what we do, something always happens. I have won the championship before and he has had it long enough since winning two years ago. I am ready to take my title back as 2015 Mini Mod Champion.
Do you have any sponsors, crew or family you would like to thank…


First and foremost has to be my fiancée Kayla Brown. She has stood beside me through everything I have done in this hobby and hasn’t complained, well, too much. She has been understanding and a major support system for me when I win or lose.
Next has to be my daughter, Kayla Landers. She was raised watching her Daddy race and loves it just as much as I do.
Walt Garnett has been my crew chief for too many years to count. He has never complained and is always ready to work at the drop of a hat. He helps with the car to get it in tip-top shape to win.
Capital Recycling – Tommy Fleming & Janie Fleming came on board with us last year. They were fans of ours in 2013. It has been such a blessing having them as friends and sponsors. We have grown to love them as family now, not just sponsors.
Dents Plus and Image 1 – Chris Clark came on board last year. They designed and wrapped our car and made it look like the best car, in my opinion, on the track.
D&J Auto Parts – Phil Shanholtzer has been a  part of my racing career since day one. He has helped from buying race car parts all the way to giving us a race car shop to work out of for the last 5 years.
Hatrack Shocks – Scott Rodgers built the chassis that we are racing now. He has helped us with all set up needs to get us to the front.
Answering these questions about racing and talking about our sponsors makes me realize just how lucky I am that I get to race and do what I love and have the support from all of my family, friends, sponsors, and fans. I am looking forward to the 2015 racing season and meeting new fans.


I would like to thank Chris for providing us with this information, and if anyone else would like to be featured here please contact me at


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